Your Business…Amplified

Utilizing advertising for the empowerment of black owned businesses

Based in Atlanta, GA, Amplified Media Consulting works to accelerate the growth of black owned businesses with marketing and paid media we will close the revenue gap; employ people of color and diversify all facets of media


Contact Us
(404) 273-0133


Strategic Planning


Identifying a campaign’s pillars (Who, When, Where, What) is the most effective and efficient way to target and is the basis for every successful media campaign.

Media Investment


Planning and executing media buys across multiple platforms including linear and digital video, streaming audio, paid social, and programmatic display

Reporting and Optimization


Understanding performance metrics and what they mean in order to determine campaign success or make adjustments based on where efforts have been successful

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

– Maya Angelou

Get in Touch

We're always looking for new partnerships! Let's talk about how Amplified can help take your media to new heights!